“Most haunted house in Harold”for sale after woman left traumatised by beast “with terrible tusks, claws and teeth….”


He’ll huff and he’ll puff … oh, hold on, that’s the other one

Harold resident Carol Mutter has put her home on the market just 6 weeks after moving in, following sightings of a “ghostly monster” in her son’s nursery.

The property, which sadly for Carol has no mysterious past, was a new build when Carol bought it. Thinking she had found the perfect home for herself and her 9 month old son, Jeremy, Carol soon became aware of a supernatural presence.

“At first I thought I was just imagining things” said Carol. “Sometimes I would be woken in the early hours of the morning by a crying noise. Other times I would leave Jeremy with his dinner, only to find it had been flung about the room when my back was turned. This one time, he even ended up with spaghetti all over his head, that really freaked me out.”

The final straw came when Carol went in to Jeremy’s nursery one night to check on him, and saw what she describes as a “hideous beast” standing behind his cot.

“It was big and brown, with what I can only say were terrible tusks, and terrible claws and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws. I was terrified. I grabbed Jeremy and left, and we haven’t been back since.”

“Which is a real shame, as I’d only just had his nursery decorated, we did it out lovely, with all characters from ‘The Gruffalo’ and everything.”

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