Pupil assessment revamp welcomed by delighted teachers


Nicky Morgan wonders if she could change the currriculum on Boxing day

The nation’s schools are today toasting Nicky Morgan, who plans to review how primary school pupils are assessed.

“That’s fantastic!” enthused Harold teaching assistant Carly Jeffery, when we broke the news to her this morning . “I’m bored with the current system, which is over a year old. Can you believe it, more than 12 months?”

St Mary’s Headteacher Alison Lee says that updating educational systems never causes problems and always saves time, because they’re so well planned.

“To be honest, we’d almost despaired of the new education secretary, so this is wonderful news” said Lee who believes schools were rather spoiled by Michael Gove “Micky used to mix things up at least twice a year, to keep us on our toes, and we loved him for it. Once, he even changed the year two curriculum on August bank holiday Monday! How we laughed”.

“With any luck, Nicky Morgan will do something similar on Boxing day.”

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