‘Corbyn has links to deranged warmonger’ claims Tony Blair

Corbyn has an extremely   unsavoury association with me

Corbyn has an extremely unsavoury association with me

Tony Blair has intervened again in the election, this time demanding that Jeremy Corbyn explain his links to a deranged warmonger who launched an illegal war in the Middle East in 2003.

Blair alleges that Corbyn served in a party led by the war criminal for over ten years.

“We already know about his views and associations where Palestine is concerned, and the type of unsavoury character he is connected to in that region, but we need to be looking closer to home and examining his links to the war criminal Tony Blair”, said Tony Blair.

“I challenged him on this recently and he initially claimed not to know Blair, but when presented with photographic evidence of him sitting in the House of Commons, while I lied to Parliament in order to drag us into an illegal war, he was forced to backtrack.”

This could be the most damaging accusation yet thrown at Corbyn, although luckily for him many of his rivals have the same association with the notorious war criminal.

And, unlike them, he actually voted against the war in Iraq.

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