He’s a git who has a column in the Murdoch press and found fame on the BBC and she’s a git who has a column in the Murdoch press and found fame on the BBC. Inescapable will-have-controversial-opinions-for-food mongers Katie Hopkins and Jeremy Clarkson have never been seen together causing many to wonder if they’re actually the same person.
“When you think about it there’s no difference between them. They’re both wide-eyed southern-based Tories who like bullying people and mocking the less fortunate, la,” said Liverpudlian, Shellsuit McCliché.
“All evidence points to one of them dragging up and pretending to be the other,” he said. “Because the alternative is that Britain has produced and fêted two people that mindless and cruel which damns us all.”
Both the Hopkins and the Clarkson personae are believed to be unspeakably brutal to Richard Hammond at weekends.
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