All of the nicotine and none of the water vapour! Also with added carcinogens and tar. With as few as ten cigarettes a day, you could be free from your e-cigarette in under a week! from as little as £5 per day!
- Cigarettes conveniently burn down to your knuckles, to let you know when you’ve had enough.
- Available in one handy flavour, that also masks the ones in your food!
- Tired of forever charging batteries? Thanks to their unique construction, cigarettes don’t need a power source. Other than a highly combustible fluid that you carry in a fragile plastic case in your pocket.
- Friends boring you in the pub? Pop outside with an ‘excuse stick’, and chat with complete strangers!
- Do you worry you’re not coughing enough? Clothes stink of fabric conditioner? Life insurance too affordable?
- With our ‘being a bit on fire’ feature, cigarettes light up just like a real LED. Convince others that you’re actually smoking!
- Gives a healthy yellow glow to your fingers and teeth!
Why not start today? With just a little bit of effort, you’ll soon be smoking like an old pro!*
*’Old’ in this context is anything over 56.
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