Ridiculous comedy buffoon to stand against Al Murray’s Pub Landlord


Always good for a laugh

Comedian Nigel Farage will stand in his guise as “The UKIP Leader” against Al Murray’s “Pub Landlord” at the general election.

Mr Farage, whose hilarious character is based around a hatred for all things foreign, has formed the United Kingdom Independence Party.

He confirmed he would stand for election in Thanet South, in Kent.

He said: “It seems to me that the UK is ready for a bloke waving a pint around, spouting mindless far-right bollocks instead of offering common sense solutions.”

The contest between between Farage and the Pub Landlord should be a close one. The loveable idiot is a familiar sight at the bar of crowded pubs, waving a pint around and belching deliberately provocative remarks about women and immigrants. And so is Al Murray’s Pub Landlord.

Some commentators are not laughing, however. Campaigners for the promotion of democracy in Britain have claimed it belittles the UK’s proud democratic tradition to have a one-dimensional character whose comedy value wore off years ago standing in such an important seat. Farage has insisted he is entitled to put his name forward, however.

It is thought that win or lose, Nigel Farage may soon call time on his UKIP Leader character, instead devoting more effort to his less well-known personas like “The Former Investment Banker Pretending To Be One Of The People” and “The Smiling Face of Insidious Creeping Modern Fascism”.

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