City Link collapse ‘good in parts’ says Harold Curate


For some unknown reason Andy’s last BMW rusted badly

St Paul’s deputy priest-in-charge is delighted with the new motorcycle he recently picked up from City Link’s local depot.

“My old bike was very corroded but I couldn’t claim under BMW warranty just because I’d got it free when it washed up on a beach after a shipwreck.”

Curate Andy heard people could collect parcels from the bankrupt courier company, hitched a lift to Dunstable and was first in the queue on Monday morning. “I didn’t want to go in on the sabbath and probably missed out on the best deals. I suppose that’s suffering for one’s faith.”

Andy was hoping for the sportier RS model this time but says his new RT was the best available without any supporting paperwork and the panniers from his old bike bolted straight on.

“I think that’s definitely A Sign that I’m meant to have it. I also had a rummage through some other crates and managed to pick up a couple of Fabergé eggs. I’m going to put one on each handlebar.”

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