We’re now into the top 30 of our countdown of the top irritants of the last year.
Just to emphasise, this is a list of irritating people. If there was any way we could bend the rules to include meerkats they would be sure to make the Top 10. Perhaps we should think about a Top 50 most irritating animals next year?
Today we have shock news as some of your favourites fail to make the Top 20, including the bloke on the left:
30 Kids who delay queues in coffee shops by bulk ordering Frappuccino
29 Old ladies in buggies. Do you want to put Zimmer frame manufacturers out of business?
28 People who work at donkey sanctuaries outside Christmas
27 Twitter followers who promise 10,000 more followers, presumably just as useless as them
26 Cold callers who are so lazy they just play a recorded voice
25 Simon Cowell (We don’t want to give him the smug satisfaction of making the Top 20)
24 People who sign off emails with their names in italics, pretending it’s a “real” signature
23 Bono (even his accident was irritating)
22 That person in the supermarket who redirects you to the self-service queue which then accuses you of putting stuff in its bagging area without permission
21 People who include letters after their name indicating some obscure qualification that is presumably meant to impress
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