Prince Charles joins Lord Carey in backing assisted dying

Prince Charles has joined former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey in giving his backing legislation that will allow the family of terminally ill people to assist them in dying.

“Take my own mother” he pleaded with doctors, before explaining his position further.

“She is 88-years-old and I am certain she will die at some point in the future, unless spite towards your son is an antidote to the Grim Reaper. In fact I would say she has less than 20 years to live making her life terminal.

“I think it is right I should be able to put me her out of her misery. It would be nice if, for once, this family could assist someone in dying without the need to then cover it up.”

Many have criticised the Prince for making another political opinion public, however fans of Queen Elizabeth II and a slightly normal, stable, hand-waving monarchy have said the knowledge of Charles’s plans gives us the chance to block the law going through.

“If we can stop this law going through then it will be many more years before Charles get his arse on the throne,” one fan of the Queen told us.

“We can’t think of anything more effective than that to keep 63 million people in the UK out of years of insufferable pain and misery.”

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