See Savile No More glasses sell out: images of Savile replaced with kitten


Much better

Harold inventors John Goody and Rachel Guest are to receive the village’s highest award for innovation following the massive success of their latest product. Their See Savile No More glasses have sold out and pre-orders taken for dozens more pairs.

“We had to do something,” Dr Guest explained. “ The media is currently saturated by pictures of Jimmy Savile and it’s depressing the hell out of everyone. Our glasses automatically filter out images of that horrible gurning face and replace them with a nice picture of Harold’s favourite kitten Mister Super Paws.”

“We’re not for a second making light of the crimes Savile committed,” Dr Goody told us. “Or mocking his victims. All we’re doing is trying to alleviate the current problem of Jimmy Savile’s image being absolutely everywhere you look as if he’s Big Brother in an extremely shite version of 1984.”

Morale in Harold has noticeably improved since the See Savile No More glasses have gone on sale and it is hoped that they will soon be available nationally.

Dr Guest and Dr Goody said that they are now working on other versions and are intent on being able to eradicate all unintentional glimpses of Piers Morgan and Katie Hopkins by 2017.

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