A veteran who escaped a care home to find liberation in France has vowed not to rest until he reaches Berlin.
Reginald Evans, 91, tunnelled out of the care home and dodged guard towers around the perimeter.
Using false papers that showed he was a 27 year-old brunette from Harold, Evans won a job as a ferry captain and made his way to the continent.
‘The landing was much easier this time round and I immediately commandeered a Volvo, even though those are traditionally used by more elderly drivers’, explained Evans.
‘but I nearly blew my cover when I insisted on driving on the left, it was never an issue when I had a Churchill tank.’
Evans considered stopping in France after gathered crowds welcomed him and listened to his stories. ‘That’s not something that happens these days in dear old blighty’, he revealed.
‘But I knew we old folk would never be free unless we pressed on ’til Germany. Only Angela Merkel can save us from our current cruel oppressors.’
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