Further embarrassment for Ed Miliband as he accidentally votes for Ukip

Probably best if you just stay in the house for a while Ed

Probably best if you just stay in the house for a while Ed

A bad week for Ed Miliband ended on another embarrassing note today as it emerged that he had accidentally voted for Ukip in his local council elections.

The Labour leader had already struggled with the cost of his weekly shop, the name of the Labour candidate in Swindon, and eating a bacon sandwich like a normal human being. Now it appears that he has also forgotten the name of his local councillor and, after taking a stab in the dark, succeeded in getting the wrong party entirely.

“He came in, smiling and waving for the cameras, no weekly shopping or bacon sandwich in sight.” said Emma Flynn, who was working at Miliband’s local polling station in Doncaster, “He went in to cast his vote and then when he came out the smile was gone and he looked a bit concerned.”

“I then overheard him asking his assistant who he should have voted for. I couldn’t make out the answer but would assume it was the Labour candidate. Ed put his head in his hands and there was then some more hushed conversation before I very clearly heard his assistant say ‘you’ve just voted for Ukip Ed, can you not get anything right this week?’.”

Miliband, keen to avoid further humiliation in the press quickly issued a statement saying that he was fully aware that he had voted for Ukip and had done so as a protest vote to show that mainstream politics needs to change, and the two main parties need to get more in touch with the general public.

When it was pointed out to him that he is the leader of one of those parties he reacted with shock and then burst into tears.


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6 Responses to Further embarrassment for Ed Miliband as he accidentally votes for Ukip

  1. How I would love this to be true!!!

  2. … If this is true, what does this say for someone who is hoping to run the country? Miliband & Cameron together, don’t have a scooby doo!