Sarah Palin applauds Sudanese decision to let woman give birth before execution

Anti-abortion, pro-capital punishment and not a food stamp in sight

Anti-abortion, pro-capital punishment ticks all boxes for Sarah

Tea Party poster girl Sarah Palin says the Sudanese Court decision to let a condemned woman give birth before being executed showed the sort of Republican values sadly absent in the United States.

“To see a foreign government so anti-abortion and pro-capital punishment is very pleasing” says Palin. “Apparently Sudan has no food stamps or Obamacare and they love guns too – it sounds like paradise. I might go there for a holiday – I’ve never been to Asia before.”

When it was pointed out to Palin that the woman was being executed for being a Christian, Palin, who still scares grizzly bears and Democrats, replied “Nobody’s perfect – the Sudanese still hate Obama right? Those Muslamics have their heart in the right place.”

Palin’s comments sparked speculation that she is planning to run for President on a Tea Party small government / small intellect platform, and Palin herself didn’t seem to deny it.

“I had a dream” said Palin as she swished her hair while flashing her trademark smile. “I’ve forgotten all of the details though.”

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