Nick Clegg’s Wikipedia page updated from government PC. His.


Edits to a Wikipedia page that described Nick Clegg as ‘funny, bright, and full of testosterone’ have been tracked to a government PC, his.

The changes which included lines saying he was ‘well respected within the coalition’ and ‘an honest man, true to his word’ have now been corrected, but questions are being asked into who made the incorrect statements.

“I know they have tracked the changes back to my computer, but I promise it wasn’t me,” Nick Clegg told reporters.

“It must have been the cleaner. She seems to like me, always laughing when she sees me. Or maybe Cameron came in and did it. He’s always complimenting me on my tea-making abilities.

“Either way, it wasn’t me. I am too busy doing governmental work. Just a quick look at my Wikipedia page shows I have to make some really, really important decision that could change the world.”

We pointed out that we did look at his page and it has been put back to its original state.

“What do you mean it just says ‘nob’?”


Filed under News, Politics

2 Responses to Nick Clegg’s Wikipedia page updated from government PC. His.

  1. Reblogged this on Flying Tiger Comics and commented:
    Edits to a Wikipedia page that described Nick Clegg as ‘funny, bright, and full of testosterone’ have been tracked to a government PC, his.

    The changes which included lines saying he was ‘well respected within the coalition’ and ‘an honest man, true to his word’ have now been corrected, but questions are being asked into who made the incorrect statements.