Mark Menzies: My Week in Westminster


Here at the Evening Harold, like a Tory MP we have our fingers in many places. That’s why we can bring you this extract from Conservative MP and former PPS Mark Menzies’ blog: ‘My week in Westminster’

Well, it has certainly been  busy in Parliament this week.

Firstly during Prime Minister’s Question Time I urged the Prime Minister to continue to support Typhoon exports to secure the future of BAE Systems’ Warton site, while also reminding him of the quality of the company’s Fylde-based apprentices. Then I popped out to meet with Rogerio Santos. Young Roger entered the UK lawfully and so, as an elected representative of the UK, I decided to repay the compliment.

The following day in the Chamber, I asked the Business Minister Michael Fallon what steps his department is taking to support small and medium-sized businesses in Lancashire which are keen to export. I am very keen to export something to a young Brazilian boy whilst it’s still fresh and it won’t keep much longer.

The Minister said the Government had helped businesses across Lancashire and highlighted the success of my event as a way of getting smaller companies involved in different markets including the important self-employed Brazilian relief-therapist sector.

Back in Fylde, I have been busy with association work and have been out and about in St John’s Ward, Lytham, discussing my forthcoming erection.

Next week I’ll be focussing on what I’ve been up to out of Westminster

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