Fans from 91 other league clubs to fly ‘Moyes In” banner.


With a group of Manchester United fans paying for a plane to fly a ‘Moyes Out’ banner over Old Trafford this afternoon, details have emerged of a counter-protest banner showing support for the Scotsman paid for by fans of the other 91 league clubs.

The banner – which reads ‘ignore them David – you’re doing great’ – will fly round Old Trafford during United’s match with Aston Villa, and is designed to show the support he has from everyone else in the country.

“We want to show Moyes support isn’t 100% negative,” John Redwind from the Harold branch of the Moyes Defence League (MDL) explained. “Fans demand consistency from their manager, and Moyes is delivering that by managing a team to mid-table mediocrity.

“What with the economic crisis, missing planes and potential war in Ukraine we all need a bit of cheering up and David Moyes is certainly putting a smile on the faces of people all round the country, with the exception of Surrey, of course.”

The pilot of the hired plane said: “I’m not a football fan so it doesn’t bother me in that way. That said, I love comedy and even I can see this situation is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a long, long time.”

Speaking to the media at his weekly press conference Moyes said he was aware of the banner of support by the MDL, but insisted they shouldn’t get too carried away.

“It is a long journey, and that journey to league 2 has only just begun. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I think they will be much happier then, they just need to give me time.”

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