Suicide bomber apologises for ‘insensitive’ Manchester United fancy dress costume


On me head, son!

An Iraqi suicide bomber has apologised unreservedly for his “insensitive” decision to appear as a Manchester United player at a fancy dress party.

The anonymous Al-Qaeda fighter from Iraq’s western Anbar province wanted to make a humorous comment on the hopelessness of existence and the futility of life, and believed dressing up as a Man Utd player would be the perfect way to achieve this.

He was pictured in The Sun appearing to wear the current season’s Manchester United strip, complete with shorts, shinpads and snood.

He apologised for any offence, an Al-Qaeda spokesman said in a statement released through the Al Jazeera news agency, and continued: “Our brave fighter and his girlfriend hosted a fancy dress party to celebrate the imminent demise of America the great Satan and their belated birthdays with close friends in the assumed privacy of his own home.

“He dressed in a costume consisting of the ‘Red Devils’ strip, purely as a joke.”

“He now realises that it is insensitive and unholy to mock those unfortunates whom God has chosen to punish so terribly already, and he apologises for any hurt caused to this sad and desperate group of people, who have surely suffered enough.”

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