Back-to-back losses in the Premier League, a lacklustre win against travel-weary Ukrainian opponents in the Champions League, closer to the relegation zone than the top of the table – you would think there has never been a better time to hate Manchester United – But that’s the problem, say dedicated Manchester United hater groups, as the internet drowns in amateur Man U mockers quick to join in the sneering season.
“It’s easy to mock them when they’re losing 1-0 at Stoke on a rainy Wednesday night, but where were these Johnny-come-lately misery hunters when Man United were winning everything?” moaned one die-hard hater on The Manchester United Haters Club Facebook page. “They don’t even know the basics like writing ‘ManUre’ in blogs to show you hate them”
Other hard-core United haters have dismissed the new influx as ‘Schadenfreude tourists’ who will soon tire of the current slump in their least favourite team’s form. “These are the same part-timers who scoffed at Liverpool under Hodgson and Chelsea under AVB. They only sneer when they’re losing,” claimed Dave McPhee, author of the ‘We All Hate United’ blog. “They’re foul-weather foes. Not like me. Anti-United till I die.”
“The sooner United go back to beating everyone so these light-weight deriders leave us to hate Man U properly the better.”
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