Local Imam appeals for tolerance towards ordinary atheists after latest Dawkins outrage

Richard Dawkins: stupid in that way only very, very clever people are.

Dawkins: can’t outrage quicker than a quick tweet on Twitter

Local Iman, Qaasim Mohammed of Dunstable Central Mosque has appealed for tolerance towards ordinary atheists and asked people to remain calm in the face of the latest Twitter controversy from militant atheist Professor Richard Dawkins.

“On the first day of Eid, Richard Dawkins tweeted ‘All the world’s Muslims have fewer Nobel Prizes than Trinity College, Cambridge. They did great things in the Middle Ages, though.’ which is offensive in terms of timing and content but people need to remember that extremists like Dawkins while very vocal are a small minority and do not represent atheism as a whole.”

Mohammed urged Dunstublians and Haroldites not to forget that atheism is a peaceful rejection of belief that has sadly been hijacked by the deeds of the extremists.

“Men like Dawkins and Sam Harris, author of The End of Faith who said that in the United States they “should profile Muslims, or anyone who looks like he or she could conceivably be a Muslim, and we should be honest about it” have become the stereotype of atheism conditioning the rest of us to picture atheists as angry Western male academics with white skins and furrowed brows surrounded by fanatical supporters who will tolerate no opposition to their views.”

“There are atheists all around us, educating our children, nursing us when we are sick and making valuable contributions to our communities. It is a mark of a decent society that we don’t just tolerate but celebrate each other so don’t let militant atheism drive us apart.”

Professor Dawkins was today unavailable for comment as he is engaged in his new venture to spread the word of atheism and is going from door-to-door asking people if they’ve heard the good news about the selfish gene while handing out copies of The Origin of Species.


Filed under Around Harold, News, Religion

3 Responses to Local Imam appeals for tolerance towards ordinary atheists after latest Dawkins outrage

  1. A very funny and well written article. It took me two paragraph to realize this was a parody article.

    Well done

  2. Pingback: How smart people hide their racism | ~~Defender of Faith~Guardian of Truth~~

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