Vine not looking his best in the Lickers just before 4am, wearing special radio shoes coated in sick
One of Harold’s most controversial issues has finally been laid to rest, after a chance visit from Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine.
Anyone who knows Harold also knows just how divisive opinions can be. Over the years the village has seen arguments between neighbours and friends, and even the odd family feud. Many a punch up in the Squirrel Lickers Arms has been blamed on disagreements, together with copious amounts of over-priced alcohol.
Thankfully the residents of Harold can finally put their differences aside. Disc Jockey Jeremy happened across Harold during a nature trip, which was intended to get to the bottom of red squirrels.
After hearing two locals arguing over a pint of near-Baileys cream liquor in the ‘Lickers’, he suggested his own unique solution to conflict resolution – a radio phone-in.
Yesterday that dream saw its realisation on our very own Radio Harold. Councillor Ron Ronsson himself posed the question, and the switchboard literally lit up with 3 callers. Pippa from Harold said yes, Eddie from Harold said no, and Rufus from Harold said he wasn’t sure.
The matter finally closed beyond all doubt, the people of Harold celebrated long into the night with impromptu street parties, reunions, and a united hatred of Dunstable.
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