Some local news and notices you may have missed in the past week.
For the third year running, Ron Ronsson’s gleaming 1987 Ford Escort won the Easter bonnet competition. A delighted Mr Ronsson said ‘I’m pleased to say that my pride and joy is still in full working order. It gets a polish every single day.’
There was a strong interest in the Good Friday flagellation classes led by Brenda Ferguson. After the class, there was a whip around for village hall funds.

Come back Duck No. 9…
The Bank Holiday Duck Race on the River Gluggle was abandoned after half the ducks refused to allow villagers to attach numbers to them. The remainder of the ducks flew away to a neighbouring pond. ‘Next time,’ said Emilie Bourdain, who supplied the ducks, ‘I’m going to use geese. They’re far more reliable.’
PC Anita Flegg would like to remind people that dog fouling on Harold’s pavements will not be tolerated. “The police take a very dim view of anyone who hacks a spaniel down from behind, particularly when they’re not on the ball”, said Flegg.
The council will hold a public consultation on refuse collections this Wednesday, in the back of Cllr Commerbund’s camper van. Proposals include the reintroduction of stocks on the village green for anyone putting food waste in their recycling, and the compulsory use of winter tyres on wheelie bins.