Tag Archives: Remain

Spirit of Schrödinger’s cat invoked to solve Irish border problem

A séance held by the UK Brexit team has called upon Schrödinger’s ghost to help resolve the Irish border issue.

“What we need,” said Mrs May, “is a border that exists in the EU’s mind, but which is invisible to the DUP.”

The séance was delayed while HM Stationery Office searched their cupboard for an umlaut to go over the ‘o’ in Schrödinger. But the search was fruitless, despite a senior civil servant swearing blind he’d seen one in there only last week. Continue reading

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Filed under Animals, Around Harold, Brexit, Europe, Lost and Found

Politicians worried that voters aren’t scared enough yet

Today both sides will be crossing the country releasing these onto high streets

As the Brexit and Remain campaigns launch into their final fevered day of shouting at the rest of us like we’re all five and didn’t go to the toilet when Miss told us too and now look at the mess there is concern on both sides that voters aren’t yet sufficiently terrified.

“I don’t want people mooching into the polling centre early evening to casually take part in a little light democracy,” said Boris Johnson. “I want them queuing up half the night scared beyond words by the thought that if they don’t get that cross in the leave box as soon as possible 800 million Turks will invade by teatime and bugger the NHS to death with a simit.” Continue reading

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