Tag Archives: obituary

Death of Tony …… Benn (not Blair) everyone’s favourite member of the loony left

"Guess what you're going to be today .."

“Guess what you’re going to be today ..”

Tony Benn, whose death has just been announced, started life as a member of the aristocracy and ended it a commoner.  In this regard he was the exact opposite of Kate Middleton.

After founding the Monster Raving Loony Party under the pseudonym of Screaming Lord Sutch, he renounced his peerage, moved further to the left and become a member of Harold Wilson’s Labour Government of the 1960’s. As Postmaster General he was responsible for ensuring enough gum was applied to postage stamps and having the Post Office Tower built entirely of Lego bricks.

A noted original political thinker and great orator, he made frequent appearances on shows such as Question Time well into his eighties. “Everyone listened when Tony spoke” said David Dimbleby, paying tribute. “Of course, it was total bollocks, but everyone listened.” Continue reading

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