Tag Archives: channel 5

Easter Bunny eating families “horrified” by dead cartoon rabbits in Watership Down

8956983Parents have been taking to social media to vent anger at Channel 5 deciding to show rabbit snuff movie Watership Down on Easter Sunday afternoon.

The cartoon, based on the classic children’s novel, follows the sometimes gory adventures of Hazel and his chums, as they try to find a new home.

It features a terrifying ghost rabbit, a spooky song performed in Art Garfunkel’s best falsetto, and some bloodthirsty terriers. Continue reading

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Channel 5 praised for most secretive Big Brother series ever


Producers at Channel 5 have been congratulated and thanked by the British public for the most secretive series of Big Brother yet.

The current run, which started just over a week ago, has some of today’s biggest names such as Jim Davidson and Lionel Blair yet has still managed to slip under the radar of even the most discerning youthful telly addicts.

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