Easter Bunny eating families “horrified” by dead cartoon rabbits in Watership Down

8956983Parents have been taking to social media to vent anger at Channel 5 deciding to show rabbit snuff movie Watership Down on Easter Sunday afternoon.

The cartoon, based on the classic children’s novel, follows the sometimes gory adventures of Hazel and his chums, as they try to find a new home.

It features a terrifying ghost rabbit, a spooky song performed in Art Garfunkel’s best falsetto, and some bloodthirsty terriers.

“It’s so inappropriate” said Gary Knowles, whose toddler Liv was upset by the film. “Easter is a time of chocolate, pastel colours and bank holidays. Our Liv was put right off her Easter Bunny when she saw those animated rabbits being killed. Look, she only finished the head.”

“Violence and death have no place in Easter celebrations” agreed local mum, Mandy Whipple. “It’s bad enough having to turn off the news, but it’s really come to something when dead animals spoil your roast chicken dinner.”

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