Turkeys seek transitional period to avoid hard Christmas

“We’re prepared to admit we made a mistake”

Turkeys have had second thoughts about voting for Christmas and now seek a lengthy transitional period to fatten up in peace.

“To be honest, I’m not sure we thought through the implications of voting for Christmas” said turkey spokesman Kevin Sainsbury.

“Too many turkeys just blindly believed the Christmaser’s promise of an extra 250 million pounds without stopping to consider we’d have to give an arm and a leg in return, and probably a breast too.”

“If we carry through with Christmas we’ll quite literally be stuffed in a way only a Tory MP would enjoy” continued Kevin.

The Evening Harold put it to Kevin that indefinitely delaying Christmas meant not respecting the turkeys’ democratic vote for Christmas.

“Oh yeah, I hear that from some turkeys, ‘Christmas means Christmas’ they blather on” said Kevin.

“But most of us now realise we’d be literally cutting our heads off to spite our face – that’s the sort of thing Boris Johnson and Liam Fox would do but it doesn’t appeal to us.”

“We may be turkeys, but we’re not that stupid” said Kevin.

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