Guardian’s campaigning for the Tories “going brilliantly” says editor

Katharine Viner the editor of the Guardian, a former left of centre newspaper turned heavily moderated online identity politics forum, says that she’s proud of all the campaigning it’s doing for the Tories.

“It’s going brilliantly,” she told us. “Our constant bashing of Jeremy Corbyn and failure to submit the Tory manifesto to anything like the scrutiny we applied to the Labour one, plus a daily trickle of pro big business articles pointing out just how bad for everyone change would be is proving to be really successful.”

“Add some Andrew Rawnsley, a splash of Nick Cohen and Toynbee, Toynbee, Toynbee and we’re well on our way to the Guardian’s new take on the world. We just need a sidebar of shame and Katie Hopkins then our transformation  will be complete.”

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