This Southern train appears to be in motion, must be a fake photograph
This is the Southern rail crossing the border,
Bringing Charles the cheque and the postal order,
Money for him, nothing for the poor
commuters who stand pressed ‘gainst the toilet door…
Shareholder thanks, letters from banks,
Isn’t Charles a talented boy?
Stacks of cash and invitations
To accept a knighthood or with the PM libations,
Shred the breach of safety situations,
And heartfelt declarations
Of woe from passengers of all the nations,
News beneficial, news financial,
Charles’ reward for failure is substantial,
Services continually running late
Lead the Transport Select Committee a merry dance,
Would it be better if our trains were run by France?
No letters of condolence to season tickers holders
Charles saw you coming, now pay up and shut up,
There’s good little soldiers,
You want a seat? There will never be any,
Southern is run for the few not the many,
Crappy trains and journeys so long,
How can our railway system have gone this wrong?
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