Neil Hamilton swears hypocritic oath

Neil Hamilton is just as honest as he looks

Former Tory, liar and bankrupt, Neil Hamilton, has accused Mark Reckless of being untrustworthy, in the latest round of Abandon SinkingShip-gate.

The disgraced former MP, who left the Tories and is now UKIP leader in Wales, proving that the biggest turds float to the top, has criticised Reckless for leaving UKIP and aligning himself with the Tories.

Reckless had “betrayed the trust” of UKIP supporters said Hamilton, without a trace of irony, or even a knowing wink to the assembled journalists.

Hamilton was once a barrister but specialised in taxation, rather than criminal law, so didn’t know that taking a bung in exchange for parliamentary favours was not really the right thing to do.

“There was an ethics lecture on my course which I missed.” said Hamilton “But it can’t have been too important, because it hasn’t held me back. UKIP welcomed me with open arms.

“Admitedly they didn’t take up my offer to be treasurer but that’s just common sense.”

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