Fingernails down a blackboard in human form, people’s democratic champion Dominic Raab shocked viewers this morning, by vanishing up his own a*se during a live TV interview.
Raab, who comes second only to Michael Gove as the Tory MP you’d most like to punch, was on BBC TV News this morning, wittering on about Brexit; his only interest, apart from The Life and Times of Dominic Raab.
Standing on the street outside the Supreme Court (only Pinewood’s James Bond set can now accommodate his massive head), Raab addressed a grateful Nation. “Unelected Judges and unelected lawyers are undermining the will of the people” droned the former solicitor, whose profession really should have taught him something about how the law works. “That’s the will of the people as expressed through the medium of democratic government, the 17th century Royal Prerogative.”
A more self-aware MP might have been expected to say something like “Oh hang on, democratic will of the people v. Royal Prerogative? That doesn’t make sense”.
Raab is not such a man, however and, as viewers struggled to see where his mouth ended and his a*se began, he disappeared from sight.
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