Vinnie Jones advocates hard Brexit

vinniejonesVinnie Jones says Britain would be complete pussies to choose anything other than hard Brexit.

“It’s about self-respect” said Jones. “Soft Brexit sounds like something the French would do to appease the Germans.”

“We need to use our heads not our hearts, as heads are much better for nutting stroppy European leaders in the face. Imagine Theresa May giving Merkel and Macron a Liverpool kiss, and how proud we’d all be.”

“Britain would be one big crazy gang – we’d have no friends, no money, but we’d have showed the world we’re hard” enthused Jones.

“I’d go back to Hollywood and make a few more films of course, but I’ll be thinking of you all when I’m over there, and I’ll certainly visit from time to time given it will be such a cheap holiday.”

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