Book seller to focus on book sales


Need no batteries

In a surprising move, Harold’s largest book retailer is to stop selling electrical goods and replace them with books.

James Daunt, the managing director of Musty Books, said: “We were told that paper was old hat and the future was in stuff that could be plugged in, especially from Amazon”.

“So we shifted out the paperbacks to the local Oxfam, and stocked up on microwaves, irons, kitchenaids and nutribullets. Unfortunately, customers come to a book shop to buy books, and our sales of this stuff has been pitiful.”

Having recovered display space for traditional print media items, James has seen a 900% increase in the sale of books. “I’m thrilled to be able to report to shareholders – so, my mum and dad – that Musty Books is finally breaking even. I’m now thinking about getting rid of the coffee shop, beanbags and artisan sandwich bar in order to free up even more space for books”.

“This is revolutionary stuff for the book retailing world, I’m proud to be leading the charge.”

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