The Daily Mail has had its medication reviewed after a study of its website shows it is still confusing Kim Kardashian for news.
“We thought we had dealt with this illness that sees them confuse paparazzi stalking and soft core perversion with news,” The MailOnline’s therapist told us.
“They were doing quite well and had even managed to go for 45 minutes without falling of the wagon.”
“Unfortunately Kim Kardashian tweeted a picture that clearly showed a bit of flesh around the neck area and the newsroom exploded.
“We’ll now look at putting them on a Seven Step recovery program. If they can see that though and lay of the cocaine hopefully they can go 24 hours Kardashian free”.
Not everyone is so keen for the Daily Mail to overcome their problems as one media expert explained.
“Their obsession comes from a love of all things K. If they stop their reporting of KK, they may slip back to an editorial policy that resembles the KKK”
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