Green Party leader Natalie Bennett has apologised for a low-energy interview, and laid the blame on a carbon-neutral microphone.
“When I agreed to be interviewed on the radio, I insisted that they use our own, planet-friendly equipment”, explained Bennett. “It isn’t quite 230 volts but I told them it doesn’t matter because my voice is quite shrill.”
A sound engineer from LBC told us he was rather taken aback by the clockwork equipment.
“When she handed me the microphone, I said ‘is this a wind up?’ She said it was, and demonstrated how to turn the handle.”
Unfortunately, just at the point where Bennett was going to clearly and eloquently explain where all the money for free houses and dolphins was going to come from, her mouth stopped working.
“I’m a vegetarian, so I don’t have the energy to speak and move my hands at the same time”, she explained. “I’m a bit like Ed Miliband in that respect, except his condition is caused by being quite stupid.”
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