The world’s biggest Lycra-clad liar and drugs cheat Lance Armstrong has said he should be forgiven for getting caught.
He has told the BBC that he regrets getting caught cheating but says the public should forgive him and understand that it was never his wish to be found out.
He went on to say that he would take drugs again, but morally he would only do it at a time he couldn’t be caught.
“I know I let a lot of people down when I got exposed as a cheat,” Armstrong said, “and if I could do things again I’d be more careful and take the drugs without get busted.
“If I was racing in 2015 I wouldn’t cheat, the tests are shit hot now, but take me back to 1995 and I reckon I could get away with it again.”
He went on to say the “fallout” since his confession has been “heavy” and he now lives his life at 10mph, not 100, although that makes it easier to stop at the garage for munchies.
Since morals found their way into Armstrong’s conscience – coming clean to being a con man on Oprah Winfrey’s show just before Usada released a 200 page report exposing him – Armstrong has spent his time teaching the sport’s future stars.
“I have a duty to help these kids learn from my mistakes. Don’t win so many times it becomes obvious you’re doped up to the eyeballs and if you have got away with it, don’t come out of retirement and try again.”
“If I can inspire just one to con as well as I did then my legacy is complete”
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