Intelligence of internet questioned as Mexican bus driver Jesus Charlie gains 100,000 Twitter followers

Business booming for Jesus Charlie

Business booming for Jesus Charlie

The intelligence of the internet may be less than previously thought after Tijuana tour bus driver Jesus Charlie gained over 100,000 Twitter followers and a similar number of Facebook likes in the wake of the Paris terror attacks.

A loose coalition of dyslexics, failed French students, owners of phones with sticky ‘i’ keys, and Americans attempting to join the ‘Je suis Charlie’ campaign is thought to be behind the surge in Jesus Charlie’s Twitter and Facebook followers, though Mr Charlie says that isn’t the sole reason.

“I think my ‘free Corona with every downtown Tijuana tour’ tweet may have gone a bit viral and got me a few extra followers. People like free beer, even if it is Corona and even if I do water it down a bit. But yeah, I think most of my extra followers and likers are just people who are a bit thick”.

Jesus Charlie says he is enjoying his new found fame by tweeting and posting more regularly.

“My ’60 seats of air-conditioned comfort, 10% off on Thursdays’ tweet was very well received. There were numerous retweets and also comments such as ‘fantastc gesture!’, ‘I am Jesus Charlie’, and ‘is the discount in addition to the over 65 one?’”

The unexpected publicity boost has led to a rapid expansion of Mr Charlie’s tour bus business.

“As well as the San Diego – Tijuana tour, I now offer the San Diego – Paris tour. I just take them to Tijuana anyway, give them a croissant, say ‘merci’, and charge them twice as much as my regular tour.”

“Thank God for the internet – Ils sont Charlies!”

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