Net immigration up as people move to the UK hoping to see latest tourist attraction, Nigel Farage

Figures released today show net immigration has risen as tens of thousands of foreigners come to the to visit the country’s newest tourist attraction, UKIP and Nigel Farage.

Historically the UK has been an attractive prospect for those wishing to move around the globe because of its history, culture and life prospects.

But a recent survey shows modern day immigrants come to our shores in the hope they may meet an actual Ukipper, or even Nigel Farage himself, leaving his party in a ironic black hole that has baffled even the brightest of scientists.

“I had seen pictures of him on the Internet but can’t believe he actually exists, a bit like the Loch Ness Monster but less believable” one migrant explained.

“So I chose to live in the UK hoping to see him for myself. My parents told me not to be silly and that no creature like the Farage has existed since 1745, but if he and UKIP are real then I think they would be excited to see all of us moving to Britain just to see them.”

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