Ed Miliband becomes latest Labour member refusing to back leader, Ed Miliband

Ed Miliband has become the latest high-profile member of the Labour Party to refuse to back its leader, Ed Miliband.

“People want a leader they can trust to make the big decisions and be decisive in their implementation,” Mr Miliband wrote on twitter, on the understanding his followers would keep it a secret.

“I struggle to chose what tie to wear for the day. That’s why I have a tie advisor and carry spares in my pocket in case I change my mind.

“Even the one decision people praised me for, hiring Barrack Obama’s former advisor, was actually an accident.

“I was disappointed when he turned up and Axelrod wasn’t the lead singer from Guns ‘N’ Roses.”

Miliband joins a long line of Labour figures critical of his leadership, including Peter Mandelson who went as far as pretending he spoke to ‘normos’ on their doorsteps to have a dig at Miliband.

Asked why he bothered to stand for the leadership he admitted it was just to highlight how good his brother was.

“I thought that after I had spoken at hustings for 20 minutes people would have clearly seen he was the better Miliband. Even I voted for him.”

However, despite this latest blow to his leadership, he has vowed to continue, and promised that to show he was really listening to the electorate by reversing Labour’s decision not to give everyone an owl.

Or resign.

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