Disappointment as people realise ‘One Direction caned’ wasn’t a punishment

People in the UK and around the world are said to be ‘disappointed’ to learn that the headline ‘One Direction caned’ wasn’t what they thought.

“I was disgusted when I found out they had been smoking a bit of dope,” one upset music fan told us.

“I was hoping there were caned as a punishment for the crap songs the have inflicted on the world.

“I can understand why they want to get high. It’s the only thing that could make their music slightly tolerable.”

Experts have warned young fans that indulging in illicit activities is just abusing your body, and that’s why they advise not listening to One Direction.

“Smoke what you like, it may even help you understand a bit of Marley, Pink Floyd, Hendrix, and Teletubbies, but for God’s sake stop listening to Harry Styles.

“Although we can fix the injuries to your ears, the lasting damage caused to your taste will be irreversible.”

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