The media today remains transfixed by the crisis in the Ukraine as the prospect of white people going to war with each other is given blanket 24/7 coverage. James Harding, Director of News and Current Affairs at the BBC denied that race was an issue.
“The reason the BBC is giving so much coverage to Ukraine while conflicts in other parts of the world particularly Africa go virtually unreported has nothing to do with skin colour,” he said. “This is about sex appeal not race.”
“White people wars are complicated and make for very cool plots in James Bond films. Black people wars are too numerous and too boring. Unless you can imagine Daniel Craig and at least one Hemsworth brother being part of a conflict then said conflict is ratings poison.”
Speaking on behalf of print media Ian MacGregor, editor of the Daily Telegraph, was quick to establish that his medium did in fact give parts of Africa a lot of column inches.
“South Africa is on the front page every day,” he said. “Well, it will be until Oscar Pistorius’ trial ends anyway.”
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