Police host special episode of ‘Piers Morgan’s (Slightly Dodgy) Life Story’


Former Daily Mirror editor Piers Morgan has been questioned in front of a live audience of detectives by police investigating phone hacking in the latest ITV programme, Piers Morgan’s (slightly dodgy) Life Story.

The episode, which sees the tables turned on the chat show host and twitter warrior, was hosted by the officers in charge of Operation Weeting with Morgan answering questions about his past. It is understood Morgan was in tears as he recalled an upsetting phone call, between an A-list celebrity and his lover.

Some have said that parts of the interview are ground breaking. This tell all account is thought to be the first that while the interviewee is tearfully describing some of their darkest and lowest moments, the audience is hysterically laughing.

In a format not to dissimilar to his own his Life Stories series, the in-depth interview was recorded. However instead of broadcast quality HD cameras and a plush studio, police will use a simple tape recorder in an interview room.

Although details of the show are being kept a deeply guarded secret, it is thought the premier will be star studded , with big industry names including Coulson, Brooke’s and Murdoch attending the red carpet event at the Old Bailey.

If the pilot of Piers Morgan’s (Slightly Dodgy) Life Story goes well, it is hoped he can continue answering tough questions, such as “what are you doing in my cell?” and “do I have to make you pick up the soap?”.

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