More over the top royal security as Charles held at gunpoint


There has been more over the top royal security this morning at Balmoral, where Prince Charles has been held, at gunpoint, by Prince Philip.

The Prince of Wales found himself ambushed by his father during a leisurely walk through the royal estate. Describing the incident, Philip explained the moment he pointed his hunting rifle at the first heir to the throne.

“I saw the little prick talking to flowers. I still refuse to believe that any son of mine would do something so soft, so thought it must be another intruder.”

“After I ordered him to lay on his front with his hands on his head and identify himself, I quickly realised it was Charles, but kept him there weeping for the next ten minutes for my own amusement.”

Once the stand off finished, and Charles realised his father was one pushing the double-barrelled shotgun into his back, he quickly got up and hugged him. A move that almost added to his problems.

The Duke said: “I understand he was relieved, but if he shows me any affection again, I won’t be as restrained.”

This is the second embarrassing incident involving one of the Queen’s son in less than a week, after Prince Andrew found himself trying to convince people he was important.

After he managed to convince the business leaders at that meeting, he then had to do it again to the police at Buckingham Palace.

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