Russell Crowe to play SuperTed in dark ‘re-imagining’ of 80s cartoon

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Method actor: In preparation for his new role Russ begins to grow his fur.

Anticipation over the forthcoming SuperTed film has today reached fever pitch with the announcement that Russell Crowe has been cast as the eponymous superhero.

SuperTed, formally an early 80s cartoon character voiced by Derek Giffiths, has been ‘reimagined’ by Batman director Christopher Nolan who has turned it into a much darker tale.

“It’s all there in the introduction,” Nolan said. “This is a story about an ordinary teddy bear. When he was made, they found something wrong with him. And threw him away like a piece of rubbish into an old dark storeroom. Then, from outer space, a spotty man, brought him to life with his cosmic dust!”

“So what we have is a very damaged character, rejected and lost in the dark. And the spotty man and the cosmic dust scream pimp and drug addiction to me. Plus Russell is perfect for the role because he’s got the temper of a demented bear already. Russell’s SuperTed will be the hero Earth deserves, but not the one it needs right now so we’re looking at a release date of summer 2015.”

Currently no other casting has been announced however Gary Oldman is widely tipped to be taking the role of Spotty Man, a psychopath driven insane by the pain of a disfiguring and incurable illness, while the villain Texas Pete will of course become Milton Keynes Pete and be played by a late-middle aged English actor with a posh voice so as not to upset American audiences.


SuperTed or to give him his new title The Raging Caniform

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