Tag Archives: Rod Stewart

Minutes’ silence at Festival of Remembrance is welcome relief after Pixie Lott and Rod Stewart’s singing

Pensioner Rod invokes the horror of war

Pensioner Rod invokes the horror of war

There was a collective sigh of relief at this evening’s annual Festival of Remembrance when the traditional two minute’s silence finally commenced after the onslaught of the ‘popular’ songsters introduced to bring the 1914-18 Great War bang up to date.

It’s not often that the start of the solemn moment is met with a cheer from the audience at the Royal Albert Hall however the pain and suffering inflicted by the bombardment of howitzers from Pixie Lott and Rod Stewart took many onlookers back poignantly to the horrors of trench warfare and the cease fire brought about by the silence was greeted with much the same delight as the signing of the Armistice all those years ago. Continue reading

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