Tag Archives: Paulo Di Canio

Di Canio pleased he bought entire North East supply of piano wire

No I don't play the piano, just give me the wire

No I don’t play the piano, just give me the wire

Paulo Di Canio, the Italian firebrand and fan of Benito Mussolini, said he has mixed feelings after being sacked by Sunderland FC.

“Obviously I am unhappy with being sacked, but my decision to buy all the piano wire in North East England is looking genius.”

Di Canio, who doesn’t play the piano, said he first realised his position was under threat when 30 strong groups of Sunderland fans started surrendering to lone policemen.

“It was clear the fans had lost their bottle, our chances of invading North Africa were pretty slim if we couldn’t slightly alarm the likes of Crystal Palace and West Bromwich Albion.”
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