Looking for something special for that loved one? Or selling their stuff while they’re out in the garden? The Evening Harold small ads make eBay look like a massive, competent business.
- 57 Plate cardboard box with wheels drawn on
- Allergic to Hats? Belt allergy?
- BMW Driver? Need Indicators?
- Burst pipe? Broken down boiler? You probably need a plumber
- Child’s practice wedding ring set.
- Dark lines under the eyes? It could be paint.
- Debt problems? Why not have a haircut?
- Do you suffer from nits? Ring worm? Pubic lice?
- Don’t bother me, I won’t bother you.
- For sale: 12 pack of Mates (one missing) – £5.00
- For Sale: Mattress, slight urine stain
- Found: Ginger cat. Four legs, no tail, some red patches
- Found: Large dog turd on my front lawn
- Full size replica of the Great Pyramid at Giza
- Have you seen this?
- Large collection of rare adult publications – nearly new
- Let us do the lifting
- Lost & Found
- Lost: All sense of perspective
- Lost: Elderly lady
- Lost: Ginger cat with four legs and tail
- Lost: Hearing
- Orange Corsa For Sale
- Pestered by horses?
- Psychic services available, tarot readings etc.
- Rabbit hutch, complete with water bottle, hay and dead rabbit
- REM-cycle goldfish collection on Damon Hill Championship plate.
- SANDBAGS for sale
- Sex Surrogate Available
- Thatcher memorabilia, various pieces available
- Thatcher’s Children. Mark and the other one.
- Various tablets, pills, powders etc found under floorboards during renovations
- Wanted: Absolute silence
- WANTED: relatives for inheritance!
- Wanted: Shampoo bottles (narrow ones preferred)
- WANTED: Single hole punch, necklace clasp and spool of thread.
- We Got Badgers
- We Try Any Bra
- World War II bunker with startling Chris Evans-like appearance.