Jacob Rees-Mogg keen on ‘really hard landing’ for PM in Brexit sky-diving

Or even from the tower of my stately home

Jacob Rees-Mogg remains hopeful that the UK Brexit sky-diving team will secure a no-parachute outcome. “What this country needs is to thud into the ground at 122mph. Like a sack of stone-ground organic flour dropped from the loft of a nicely restored, timber-framed, 17th Century Tithe Barn.” said Rees-Mogg.

“Or to use another analogy, say a 61 year-old woman wrapped in a duvet, accidentally falling from the roof of a five storey, Old Westminster mansion, recently bought by a man who definitely doesn’t want her job.”

“Naysayers predict this would be a disaster but I ask; who would you rather trust? Experts who’ve spent years studying applied parachute theory, or a Beano character sprung to life, who grew up with a nanny, an Eton education and a sense of self-entitlement that can be seen from Mars?” asked the MP. “Without a telescope.”

Mr Rees-Mogg has never actually jumped out of an aircraft, unlike David Davis who used to play soldiers at weekends and really ought to know better.

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