“Yes, that’s all gone very well in Jerusalem” says Donald Trump

They’re probably just playing games for fun

Donald Trump says recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has gone very well. “It’s all gone very well” he said today.

“Some folks said there’d be riots, all that sort of thing but nothing’s happening out there, I know that for sure, and everything’s gone very well.”

Right wing US Christian fundamentalists have welcomed the move from their almost-beyond-satirising President, which they universally assess as going very well.

“It’s all going very well as far, as I can see.” said Dwayne Spittle, polishing his glasses absent- mindedly on coarse grit sandpaper “Our Godly President is doing the right thing, preparing for our Lord’s return by stirring shit up in Jerusalem, although nothing’s happened yet. If anything it’s all going too well”.

“He might even be return before Christmas, amen. Though January would be better as we’ve already got the kids’ toys and ordered the turkey”.

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