Tory MP, whip and all-round know-it-all Chris Heaton-Harris, has written to all home-schooling parents, asking them to send him copies of their lesson plans, with particular reference to Brexit.
“There’s no hurry,” says Heaton-Harris “but shall we say next Monday at the latest? As half-term actually ends on Friday afternoon.”
The popular government whip likes people to justify their position in society and has written to all the nation’s educators, partly because time hangs heavy on his hands as an MP but mostly because he enjoys being a twat.
Educated at a Poly but harbouring no resentment of students at real universities, Heaton-Harris was then lucky enough to beat off a host of competitors to secure a post with the family firm. It was this experience that informed his belief in an open, transparent society. Later, he faced even stiffer competition when applying for the post of Chairman of What4 Ltd. By an odd quirk of fate, Heaton-Harris actually succeeded his father in the role “We still laugh about it in the family – I had no idea I was taking over my dad’s old job!”
According to Wikipedia, Heaton-Harris is a qualified football referee. Proof, if proof were needed, that he is indeed a bastard, with a penchant for wearing black shirts at the weekends.
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