Trolls defy terrorists and carry on posting bullshit as normal

Internet trolls are congratulating themselves for keeping calm and carrying on as they spend today spreading hate and misinformation just as they do every day.

“The Prime Minister said to carry on as normal,” said local vile person, Tim Trotman. “So I am because I am not afraid of terrorists and I’m proving this by repeatedly calling everyone whose views are different from mine a libtard snowflake cuck. No need to thank me or call me brave, I’m just one honest Englishman fighting the good fight.”

“Us trolls are standing together,” one of the villages premier hate-buckets, Jean Polkinghorne told us. “United in the face of tragic events, we’re continuing to cause as much offence and worry as possible. Is it tiring going to comments section after comments section and typing out the kind of forthright views that would make even Nick Griffin say ‘steady on’? It is but if I don’t then that’s letting them win.”

She then rushed off to post a disturbing image from yesterday’s attack with a monumentally offensive caption added to it and the world became ever-so-slightly more terrible.

Anyone fancy a pint?

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